The Iliopsoas
The hip muscle no one talks about — why it is important and how to keep it happy.
This information is provided as a recommendation and should not be substituted for good judgement or a consultation with a Medical Doctor or Physical Therapist.

Keeping the Iliopsoas happy
How to strengthen this muscle – In a seated position, brace your core to protect your back, and lift your knees off the chair. Repeat 15 times on each leg, breathing throughout the exercise. You can also lay on your back, keeping your knee straight, lifting your leg to about 45 degrees. Repeat 15 times. Make sure you stretch afterwards!!
How to stretch this muscle – To stretch a muscle you must place it in a position opposite of the action it does. So, if the iliopsoas flexes the hip and trunk, we must place the hip in extension and the torso in extension. There are many ways to achieve this position including kneeling, or
on your back. We recommend holding each stretch for thirty seconds to one minute.
If you are needing assistance getting a good stretch for this or other muscles, we would love to help you. Give us a call for a stretching consultation to get you started on the right track!